For now there is no luggage storage at Omena. The closest storage is at Kampin kauppakeskuksesta.
Room service the Omena way! Wolt And Foodora meal delivery services deliver meals from the best restaurants in the city to your hotel room. Get your meal to your room quickly and at affordable rates. See the list of restaurants and download the Wolt or Foodora app to your smartphone from App Store or Google Play Store. Make your order to address ”Omena Hotel, Yrjonkatu 30”.
If your suit is wrinkled up or there’s a stain on your dress the closest Sol cleaner’s is on the 7th floor at Stockmann’s, 150 m from the hotel, at Aleksanterinkatu 52. Tel. +358 40 779 7222.
According to the Omena philosophy you pay only for what you need. If you happen to be in need of a gym, at Albertinkatu 29 there is a fitness24seven, where yu can work out with a single payment.